Mixed Automatic and Manual ECO

GOF functional ECO has integrated manual ECO and automatic ECO seamlessly. Users don't have to switch between different scripts and netlist files to do preprocessing and post-processing. All ECO operations are done in one shot. It highly improves the efficiency of functional ECO.

Figure 1: The netlist under ECO has one input bus port drives two types of flops

The following use case shows how to use GOF to do ECO by mixing Automatic Mode and Manual Mode. When Manual ECO is possible, it normally gives better solution than Automatic Mode. Pure manual work done on netlist text file directly is tedious and error-prone. GOF supports GUI Mode and Script Mode to improve efficiency and accuracy of Manual ECO. In Script Mode, GOF has rich API sets to boost performance of Manual Mode ECO. In this ECO, hundreds gates have been saved by mixing Automatic and Manual ECO.

ECO scenario

The netlist under ECO has one input bus port driving two combinational logic clouds (LOGIC A and LOGIC B) which may have overlap and drive two sets of flops STATE_A_reg and STATE_B_reg respectively.

Figure 2: The netlist under ECO has one input bus port drives two types of flops

The ECO requires a new input port IN_B being added to drive 'LOGIC B' and flop STATE_B_reg. And other flop STATE_C_reg has modifications as well which will be done by Automatic Mode.

Figure 3: The ECO requires to separate the two paths by a new port

Automatic Only ECO

The input bus port has width of 96 bits, when Automatic Mode ECO applies on the whole module, total ~120 new gates are needed in IN_A/IN_B separation. These new gates can be absorbed in full layer ECO. However in metal only ECO, it maybe impossible to find enough resources for these new gates.

# Automatic mode only
use strict;
undo_eco; Discard previous ECO operations
# Setup ECO name, had better be unique to avoid naming confliction
read_library("art.5nm.lib"); # Read in standard library
read_svf("-ref", "reference.svf.txt"); # Optional, must be loaded before read_design, must be in text format
read_svf("-imp", "implementation.svf.txt"); # Optional, must be loaded before read_design, must be in text format
read_design("-ref", "reference.gv"); # Read in the Reference Netlist
read_design("-imp", "implementation.gv"); # Read in the implementation Netlist Which is under ECO

Mixed Automatic and Manual ECO

We will see that lots of gates can be saved by mixed mode

A basic analysis on port IN_A shows, the port has two sets of fanouts, one is for "LOGIC A", the other is for "LOGIC B". If we can separate out the fanout for "LOGIC B" and reconnect the driver to port IN_B, the ECO in this spot would be done without any new gate added. Or if there are few gates shared by "LOGIC A" and "LOGIC B", duplicate these gates and drive them separately. GOF has APIs to do this type of Manual ECO.

Figure 4: Fanout analysis

The ECO has two steps; The step 1 uses Manual Mode, and the step 2 uses Automatic Mode.

Figure 5: Mixed ECO

The step 1 script does the manual ECO:

# Mixed Automatic Mode and Manual Mode
# Any new gates added will be mapped to spare gates
use strict;
undo_eco; # Discard previous ECO operations
# Setup ECO name, had better be unique to avoid naming confliction
read_library("art.5nm.lib"); # Read in standard library
read_svf("-ref", "reference.svf.txt"); # Optional, must be loaded before read_design, must be in text format
read_svf("-imp", "implementation.svf.txt"); # Optional, must be loaded before read_design, must be in text format
read_design("-ref", "reference.gv"); # Read in the Reference Netlist
read_design("-imp", "implementation.gv"); # Read in the implementation Netlist Which is under ECO
# Fix the modified modules
# Do Manual ECO first. For loop to separate IN_A and IN_B
for(my $bit=0;$bit<96;$bit++){
# Work on each 'IN_A' bit, get the loads of IN_A individual bit
my @loads = get_loads("IN_A[$bit]"); # The result has Inst0 and Inst1 shown in figure 3
foreach my $load (@loads){
# The load is in (inst, pin) format for each load
my ($inst, $pin) = @$load;
my @out_pins = get_pins("-output", $inst);
my @fanout_flops;
foreach my $opin (@out_pins){
my $out_net = get_net_of($opin);
my @flop_endpoints = get_loads("-fanend", $out_net);
push @fanout_flops, @flop_endpoits;
my @flop_insts;
# Only need flop instance names
push @flop_insts, $_->[0] foreach @flop_endpoints;
if(grep($_ =~ m/STATE_B_reg/, @flop_insts)){
change_pin("$inst/$pin", "IN_B[$bit]");

The step 2 is to do do Automatic ECO

# Auto ECO is done by fix_design command
# Save final result
report_eco(); # ECO report
write_verilog("eco_verilog.v"); # Write out ECO result in Verilog

The mixed mode has only 15 new gates added which are all for "LOGIC C" changes.


Mixing Automatic ECO Mode and Manual ECO Mode can greatly improve ECO quality. It is especially important in Metal Only ECO where resource is very limited.

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