FUSA Example Code

Script for SPFM and LFM Calculation

One example script for SPFM and LFM calculation:

set_log_file("spfm_lfm.log");     # Set log file name
read_library("art.5nm.lib");      # Read in liberty file
read_design('-imp', 'ecc_process.v'); # Read in the design block
set_top("ecc_top");               # Set the top module name
create_clock("data_clk", 2);
set_pin_constant("test_mode", 0); # Set pin constraint
set_observe_points("data_out*");  # data_out[31:0] affects functional safety
set_observe_points("synd_out");   # synd_out affects functional safety
set_detect_points("sb_err_o");    # Safety mechanism detecting output
set_detect_points("db_err_o");    # Safety mechanism detecting output
verify_faults("-full");           # Calculate and print SPFM and LFM, Use verify_faults("-coi") for fast SPFM/LFM calculation 

FUSA Debug One Fault

The API verify_faults can run on an individual fault to check if the fault can propagate to the observation points. If the fault is observable, a VCD file can be dumped to show how to toggle the input ports cycle by cycle to propagate the fault. All internal signals waveforms are captured in the VCD file.

The following script is to check if one SEU fault can propagate. If yes, a VCD file is dumped:

set_log_file("spfm_lfm.log");     # Set log file name
read_library("art.5nm.lib");      # Read in liberty file
read_design('-imp', 'ecc_process.v'); # Read in the design block
set_top("ecc_top");               # Set the top module name
set_pin_constant("test_mode", 0); # Set pin constraint
set_observe_points("data_out*");  # data_out[31:0] affects functional safety
set_observe_points("synd_out");   # synd_out affects functional safety
# To check if the fault can be propagated to the detect points, set_observe_points on the detect points
verify_faults("u_ecc_ops/bit_reg:SEU", "-vcd", "debug_seu.vcd");    # Check if the Single Event Upset on the flop can propagate

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